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Found 1652 results for any of the keywords joke or. Time 0.010 seconds.
Two Headed QuarterTwo Headed Quarter is guaranteed to come up heads every time! This Two Headed Quarter is actually made from two real quarters. Makes the perfect gag joke or good luck charm!
101 Dumb Blonde JokesHartfelt's 101 Blonde Jokes features lots of blonde jokes, blonde stories, blonde oneliners plus humor and satire.
101 Dumb Blonde JokesHartfelt's 101 Blonde Jokes features lots of blonde jokes, blonde stories, blonde oneliners plus humor and satire.
101 Dumb Blonde JokesHartfelt's 101 Blonde Jokes features lots of blonde jokes, blonde stories, blonde oneliners plus humor and satire.
101 Blonde Jokes101 Blonde Jokes plus humorious stories and other nonsence in a not very ogranized way.
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Submit Your Joke - Jokes By KidsClean, funny jokes submitted by children around the world.
Pirate Jokes :: Pirate humor for scurvy sea dogs, arr matey!Pirate jokes and more pirate jokes. Every pirate joke in existance can be found here, you barnacle-bitten land lubber!
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